Productive pursuits of Guyanese agro-processors yet to metamorphose into major markets

For local small businesses in the agro-processing sector eye-catching product presentation is still to meta morphose into lucrative markets

As small Guyanese businessmen and women who attended this year’s Agro Fest event in Barbados continue to contemplate the ‘key takeaways’ from the event, some of the participants in the event are of the view that having invested in providing an opportunity to market their goods in an external market, the authorities should proceed seamlessly into opening up avenues that can complement the exposure and experience which the Agro Fest event had afforded them. While acknowledging that their participation in the event had afforded them limited exposure and in some instances “promising” market opportunities, the seven small business representatives with whom the Stabroek Business spoke were of the view that there was the risk of ‘losing momentum” as well as opportunity unless exposure to the Agro Fest event can be seen (as one participant in the discourse put it) as “part of a bigger process.”