Stabroek News

The Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development bears the burden of accountability

Dear Editor,

I have noticed that numerous individuals launched scathing attacks against Priya Manickchand, aiming to hold her responsible for the disastrous Mahdia Dormitory inferno. As a politician, there is no greater satisfaction than witnessing your opponent being lambasted for their incompetence. However, let me unequivocally state that the dire situation in Mahdia and the tragic fire have absolutely no connection to Priya. Instead, they are entirely attributable to the Regional Executive Officer of Region 8, and by extension, the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development.

Across our nation, the management of the Education Programme lies in the hands of Regional Education Officers, who act as the Program Managers and are accountable to the REOs of each region. It is the region that gets the money through the budget and the REOs that manage that and decides how it is spent and on what. These REOs serve as the accounting officers and are answerable to the Minister of Local Government and Regional Development. Priya can’t instruct them. The decision to construct the dormitory was made by the region, and likewise, the determination of its capacity to accommodate students was their responsibility. The responsibility for overseeing the maintenance of the dorms, feeding the children, employing staff, supervising staff, ensuring security, and even providing emergency exits rests solely with the region.

Every single aspect of failure in this regrettable incident must be squarely placed at the feet of the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development. It is this ministry that appointed a political crony of the People’s Progressive Party (PPP) as the Regional Executive Officer of the Region. Therefore, the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development must bear the burden of accountability for their actions in this matter. They must provide answers and face the consequences of their choices regarding Local Government and Regional Development. Where is the Minister? What deserves our constructive criticism regarding Priya is the evaluation of the academic and non-academic curricula and their suitability for the needs of today’s children.


Ganesh Mahipaul, M.P.

Shadow Minister of Local Government and

Regional Development

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