APA calls on President to ensure independent probe of allegations against Dharamlall

The Amerindian Peoples Association (APA) says it is disgusted at the allegations of sexual assault and grooming of a child levelled against Minister of Local Government and Regional Development Nigel Dharamlall and wants President Irfaan Ali to ensure that an independent investigation of the matter is conducted.

In a statement yesterday, the APA also rapped the President for allowing Dharamlall to proceed  voluntarily on leave rather than being sent on such.

“It is simply outrageous that President Ali, despite learning of the allegations against his Minister, did not ask him to step down from the post but rather allowed the accused Minister the opportunity to `request’ administrative leave. The APA reminds President Ali that Guyana is a signatory to the Convention on the Rights of the Child and that as President of Guyana, his actions should be fashioned to protect the (complainant) as a citizen of this country and who is a school-aged child, and not his Minister. This is not the time for political loyalties to take the upper hand against the life of a child which may be damaged forever. The well-being and protection of our children should be of paramount importance”, the APA said.

Noting that Dharamlall has been accused of preying upon and raping a young indigenous child during the latter part of 2022, the APA said that the government is duty-bound to protect all children of Guyana and it would be a slap in the face of that duty if an impartial probe is not done.

The APA commended  the complainant for her bravery in raising these allegations and “wish that you will be free from fear and intimidation and that your security is not compromised. We stand ready to provide whatever support we can to ensure that you process and heal from what can only be termed the most traumatic experience of your young life”.

It said that the issue of alleged sexual abuse of indigenous women and girls by persons in positions of power is not a new one.

“Also, the lengths alleged perpetrators go to not have these horrific stories meet the stage of investigations is also known. Attention must be paid to why stories are heard, and become somewhat public, then are quickly negated by the alleged victim, leaving no space for investigations to take shape. This is the time for attention to be given to similar reports involving both boys and girls”,  the APA stated.  

While it was cognizant that both the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Human Services and Social Security had  intervened, the APA said that was not enough and called on Minister of Amerindian Affairs Pauline Sukhai to take a stand on the alleged behaviour of her Cabinet colleague and speak out for the rights of the child. It called on her to advocate for criminal proceedings to be brought against  Dharamlall.

The APA also called on the National Toshaos’ Council to speak out on the allegations and advocate for an independent probe.

Citizens were also reminded by the APA that Section 62, subsection 1 of the Sexual Offences Act of Guyana states that the publication in any document, the broadcasting, or transmission in any way, of any information that could identify the complainant or witness to such offences under the Act is prohibited.  Any person who is found doing so commits an offence and is liable on summary conviction to a fine of two million dollars. It urged all citizens to refrain from such actions which may cause further trauma to the complainant.

The APA said it is also monitoring the government’s response to the allegations against Minister Dharamlall in light of Guyana’s reporting obligations to the subject Convention and will be alerting its international partners on the course of action.