Both need psychological counseling

Dear Editor,

With the now prime time event of Mr. Nigel Dharamlall’s alleged moral turpitude and reprobate behaviour in chromatic display, proffered opinions are voluminous. There are two courts involved. The court of public opinion – which weighs heavily on the current political establishment  and their now future management of this incendiary issue, and can be thunderously impacted (positively or negatively) in the 2025 election cycle – and the Court of Law where dispensation of justice is anticipated, expected. Whichever way this turns out, both – teen victim, and alleged perpetrator – need psychological counseling.  Sincerely hoping that both can be accommodated by this sitting government in its capacity to manage the state of affairs in Guyana. Guyana is on the world stage. Everyone is watching.


Subrian  Esq.

Village Voices