Daily Archive: Friday, July 21, 2023

Articles published on Friday, July 21, 2023

Mayor Wainwright McIntosh with the substitute chain

NA Town Council ceremonial chain lost

The New Amsterdam Mayor and Town Council has an ongoing investigation into the missing ceremonial chain referred to as the Livery Collar or Civic Regalia – which serves as an insignia to show that the wearer is the Mayor and head of the town.

We are outraged by the gov’t’s choice to act after the Mahdia Dorm fire without first waiting for the CoI’s findings

Dear Editor, We are mothers, grandmothers, aunts and cousins who are concerned and outraged by the Government’s decision to give five million dollars to the parents of the children who lost their lives and who were injured in the Mahdia Dormitory fire, without waiting on the findings /recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry.

Vinash Chand (third from left) receiving his certification. (GNBS photo)

Dura Block tapping construction boom

In 2022, Dura Block aligned its focus with the Government’s infrastructure developmental agenda with the manufacturing of machine-made, durable concrete hollow blocks and has since gained certification with the standards bureau. 

Caricom Heads of Government and other officials at the opening ceremony for the country’s 2023 oil and gas conference

Guyana’s breakthrough opportunity: The opening and the vision

With oil and gas related entrepreneurial opportunities having fixed world class business breakthroughs in the minds of the bigger players in the Guyana economy, the recent announcement by the Georgetown Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) of its week-long Small Business Week, commencing on Saturday May 29th serves as a timely reminder to the local business community that profitable business does stop at pursuits directly linked to the energy sector.

Dominican Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit

Prime Minister Skerrit fake hair comment

Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Chairman, Dominican Prime Minister, Roosevelt Skerrit may well have ‘picked a row’ with a sizeable portion of the region’s female population when he used the forum of the CARICOM Summit in Trinidad and Tobago to send a ‘less fake hair’ message to the fashion-conscious women of the Caribbean.

Small Business Week and Small Business Growth

It is by no means uncommon for there to occur some kind of event that draws critical attention to small businesses in Guyana though whether those events, have, for the most part, resulted in any really meaningful enhancement for the sector, as a whole, is an altogether different matter.

Dwayne Lawrence

North Ruimveldt man jailed over gun and ammo

Thirty-year-old Dwayne Lawrence, of Lot 2499 Ozama Street, North Ruimveldt, Georgetown, appeared yesterday at the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court before Magistrate Annette Singh where he was jailed for one year after being charged with possession of an unlicensed firearm.

US extends Citgo Petroleum’s protection from Venezuela creditors to October

By Marianna Parraga The U.S. Treasury Department on Wednesday renewed a license that protects Venezuela-owned refiner Citgo Petroleum from creditors seeking to seize the company’s assets to recoup claims against the country’s state oil firm.  The renewal would allow the supervisory board that oversees Citgo to continue efforts to reach settlements with nearly a dozen firms seeking an auction of shares of the parent of the seventh-largest U.S.

Some of the speakers at the Guyana Police Force (GPF) symposium held at Officers’ Mess, Eve Leary

Improving police performance

Guyana Police force on Thursday hosted its symposium at the Officers’ Mess, Eve Leary, under the theme improving police performance through a stakeholder’s approach, which emerged from the annual officer’s conference held this year. 

At the signing of the historic Caribbean-Ghana Trade Agreement

Carib Export leads ground-breaking business mission to Ghana

Keen, it seems, to make a meaningful mark in what now appears to be an accelerating process in pursuit of the strengthening of business ties between Africa and the Caribbean, a delegation from Caribbean Export returned to the Caribbean recently, from Ghana, with three signed Memoranda, part of a hoped-for foundation that will support increased trade between the region and Ghana. 

Stock Market Updates

GASCI (www.gasci.com/telephone Nº 223-6175/6) reports that session 1028’s trading results showed consideration of $86,134,980 from 209,344 shares traded in 36 transactions as compared to session 1027’s trading results, which showed consideration $1,863,115 from 2,903 shares traded in 13 transactions.

The Costa Rica food security consultations

Here we go again! Caribbean Ministers of Agriculture were due to gather in Costa Rica on Tuesday to discuss what the San Jose-based Inter American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA) said are deliberations designed to discuss means through which food insecurity can be reduced and bridges built between Latin America and the Caribbean.