The opposition seems held in bondage and captivity of their own making

Dear Editor,

The opposition forces were out in full force this Emancipation with their anti-government, hate filled rhetoric, which filled volumes.  Reading their messages on this auspicious occasion, I am left to wonder, brought in bondage and captivity by the slave masters and after almost two centuries, still held in bondage and captivity of their own making.  It would appear this perceived state of affairs is not only conceived out of malice for the government of the day, but the people they are beholden to speak for are the ultimate collateral damage, left dangling by the voices crying in the wilderness. True emancipation cannot be achieved until and unless we rid the shackles of hate, divisiveness and racism.  To use an occasion to stir the cauldron of the very things our ancestors fought against means we are not yet free of the forces that once held us on the Atlantic journey from the motherland.


Shamshun Mohamed