State House stage show ‘August Morning’ touched on waning traditions

Tashandra Inniss

Among the national events to mark the 185th anniversary of Emancipation was an effectively packaged theatrical performance titled “August Morning – Opening of the Day”. This was a variety programme of music and dance efficiently sewn together by dramatic narration focusing on the theme of emancipation. Many items were drawn from popular music having their own existence and interests in subject matter, but it was not difficult for them all to fit a general preoccupation with expressions of freedom, liberation, identity or tradition.

The overall purpose was a stage celebration hosted and performed in a space erected on the lawns of State House, the official residence of the President of Guyana.  It was produced by the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sport with performances by a variety of artistes whose work was selected and arranged thematically.  According to the programme design, the items were introduced dramatically and staged by the National Drama Company which provided narration and a dramatic concept.