Ubraj Narine solved more issues for the citizens of the City than Chase-Green

Dear Editor

On Tuesday 29th AUGUST 2023 ON 94.1 morning program (JUMP START) the former mayor, Patricia Chase-Green, accused her former counterpart of being incompetent. She publicly is trying to embarrass the former mayor Ubraj Narine, who has solved more issues for the citizens of the City than she did. I can attest to this by way of documentation, by virtue of proof and minutes of meetings held with me and her officers re a matter concerning a septic tank and the Condominium Regulations and Miscellaneous Act. Chapter 36:22, act 4 of 1989 amended by 29 of 1991 and also council’s own public health notice (Re NOTICE REQUIRING ABATEMENT OF NUISANCE).

The former Minister of Housing, Annette Ferguson, had to inform her Council that the Ministry of Housing no longer had jurisdiction over condominiums in the Housing Schemes all over Guyana, since they were now private property and hence responsibility falls in Council’s ambit. The Minister also informed her through her office that a certificate of sale was issued and Gazette on the 15 February 1995 for the purpose of section 50 (3) of the Condominium Regulation and Miscellaneous Provisions) Act No4 of 1989. Ms. Chase-Green continued to say at that meeting which was held at her office that it was built that way and must remain so, even as her officer pointed out to her about council’s notice and the information given by the Ministry of Housing, to no avail.

Editor, I had to expend thousands of dollars on legal advice in the matter, and even went to mediation, which did not resolve it. Eventually, the matter was resolved by Mayor Ubraj Narine on Old Year’s Day 2019 at about 10:35 am, when the Mayor and a delegation of City Officials visited my premises and resolved the matter forthwith. Editor, so who is the incompetent one?


David R. Noel