Man charged with using computer system to humiliate woman

Keshawn D’Aguiar
Keshawn D’Aguiar

Twenty-nine-year-old Keshawn D’Aguiar appeared at the Georgetown Magistrate’s Court before Senior Magistrate Leron Daly where he was charged with a cybercrime.

It is alleged that during the months of June and July, at Georgetown, D’Aguiar used a computer system to publicise electronic data via WhatsApp to cause hurt, emotional distress, and harassment and embarrassment to the woman.

The defendant pleaded not guilty to the charge that was read to him.

The prosecutor had no objections to bail.

The magistrate informed the defendant that he is prohibited from all forms of communication and physical contact with the virtual complainant.

Bail was granted in the sum of $100,000.

The matter has been adjourned to October 13.