Stabroek News

Inspections find that only 53% of Region Six businesses complying with labour laws

The participants at the seminar (Ministry of Labour photo)

Up to August this year, the Ministry of Labour conducted 407 inspections in Region Six  and only around 53% of businesses were found to be in compliance.

A release from the Ministry of Labour on Wednesday said  47 per cent of the businesses were not in compliance with all of the requirements. This was revealed by Chief Labour Officer,  Dhaneshwar Deonarine who also noted that 14 per cent of the 407 businesses or workplaces in Region 6 that were inspected had no wage records.

He urged a one-day seminar on labour matters at Little Rock Suites that  businesses comply with the laws and to visit the Ministry’s offices at Lot 21 Princess Elizabeth Road, New Amsterdam, and Lot 12 Springlands, Corriverton, Region 6, to seek advice and clarifications on their obligations. Held on September 27th, the seminar was aimed at sensitizing the business community to the laws and regulations governing the conditions of work and the safe system of work.

The release said that Deonarine called on the participants to see their employees as their greatest asset and asserted that the Ministry of Labour wants to build a partnership with the business community as they are an important catalyst to encourage and ensure compliance with the laws relating to conditions of work and occupational safety and health.

He also pointed out that if all of the present business representatives were complying with the labour laws, that would mean approximately 350 workers’ rights and welfare were being upheld.

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