Stabroek News

Road rage driver struck cop with car in NA

A screenshot from a video of the cop on the bonnet of the vehicle as the driver sped through Main Street

Prince Sinclair, a 36-year-old resident of Stanleytown in New Amsterdam, Berbice, was arrested on Wednesday and is slated to appear in court today to answer to several charges following an incident around 12:30 hrs on Wednesday on Main Street, New Amsterdam.

A release from the police said that Sinclair is accused of, among other things, driving into, injuring, and using a series of expletives against Police Constable Daniel Fredricks, who is stationed at Central Police Station’s Traffic Department.

Enquiries disclosed that Constable Fredricks was on patrol duty with Force motorcycle #CL 2610 along Main Street, New Amsterdam when he observed motorcar #PLL 4242, which was parked within 30 ft of Shoe Lane Street and Main Street, obstructing the free flow of traffic. As such, Constable Fredricks approached Sinclair and told him of the offence committed.

The release said that the driver got angry and started to use a series of expletives at the cop. The driver then entered his car, drove it towards the Police rank, and hit his right foot. Constable Fredricks fell onto the car bonnet, and the driver continued to drive along Main Street and then onto Republic Road.

The driver was arrested and placed in custody, the release said. He is expected to appear in court today, where he will answer several charges. Constable Fredricks was escorted to the New Amsterdam Public Hospital, where he was seen and examined by a doctor on duty who treated him for his injury and later sent him away.

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