In 2023 the shortcomings of our past continue to contribute to the pain of our present. Have we really made progress since the presidents of our past transitioned? One would imagine that by now the basic needs for life’s comforts would be adequately met. Today should be a day when we sit and reflect on the dark times in Guyana and be contented that we would have overcome. It is not unreasonable to expect that by now blackouts should be a thing of the past. But look at us. In this time of technological advancements, in this time of oil wealth, in this time of the fastest growing economy, in this time when we are talking about development, in this time of two Guyanas, the Guyana where most of us live with the hardships and harshness of a society in shambles, Guyana Power and Light continues to fail us. While the heat humbles us, hours and days of blackout are occurring around the country.