Stabroek News

Pres Ramotar’s position on the current oil contract is welcomed by most Guyanese

Dear Editor,

The recent discussions between President Ali and Former President Donald Ramotar has been very eye opening. President Ramotar is President Ali’s senior and deserves his respect. He also has more experience and can provide guidance to the younger less experienced president. His position on the current oil contract is welcomed by most Guyanese and should not be dismissed as was done by President Ali.

What does give pause is the reluctance shown by the current administration to embrace those with more experience and intelligence within the team. Even though the intelligence or knowhow may be specialized, it is always best for a leader to surround him or herself with the best people. A strong leadership team will outperform a strong leader with a weak or yes man team easily.

Our leaders must have the confidence to listen and learn from others, and show the ability to turn those insights into accomplishments. No one should feel as though they have a monopoly on knowledge. Remember, he who knows something knows that he knows nothing at all. Humility is the beginning of knowledge and our leaders must remind themselves to be humble and receptive to differing perspectives.


Jamil Changlee


The Cooperative Republicans of


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