Providence road restoration moving apace – Edghill

The damaged section of the road that was excavated on Thursday night

Eyewitness: `The crack them get bigger and we see the earth bubbling up and then you hear boom! Water start spraying from the ground. The place shake up and everybody start running. We thought the earth would open up’

By Shuntel Glasgow

The Ministry of Public Works has been working around the clock  to reconstruct the section of Red Road, Providence, East Bank Demerara, that was severely damaged on Thursday as a result of the pressure from a stockpile of 30,000 tonnes of aggregate in the parking lot of the National Stadium.

Minister of Public Works, Juan Edghill told reporters yesterday that works to repair the road commenced on Thursday evening. Machines also began removing the aggregate from the stockpile area so as to distribute the weight.

EC Veira, AJM Enter-prises, XL Engineering, and GuyAmerica Con-struction Inc, are among contractors who responded on Thursday evening with machines to execute some of the work. XL Engineer-ing and GuyAmerica Construction Inc were mobilised to reconstruct the damaged road.