Anna Regina Farmer’s Market Day attracted hundreds

 The turnout at the Anna Regina Market day.
The turnout at the Anna Regina Market day.

Hundreds of persons flocked to the Anna Regina Market day early Sunday to take advantage of cheaper prices for fruits and vegetables.

The Farmer’s Market Day was organized by the Ministry of Agriculture in collaboration with the Guyana Marketing Corporation. Persons were seen in several lines purchasing chicken and eggs which were the two most sought after commodities.

Eggs were offered at $1400 per tray, Chicken at $300 per pound and Mutton at $1200 per pound. Other meats were offered at a reduced price also. Agro-processors journeyed from as far as the Pomeroon River to be a part of the activity. The tables and chairs along with tents were provided free of cost for vendors.

Persons making purchases

“I came out as early as 5:00 am to get the chicken, fish and other meat, it was a nice initiative and I hope that this can continue to be a regular thing, the prices were so affordable,” Maria Henry said.

 Agro-processors from the Pomeroon Women’s Association were very satisfied with their sales. They had virgin coconut oils amongst other products. The bottles they said were sold very fast at one spot. The women said they desire for the Market Day to be a regular feature.

Smiles were seen on both vendors’ and consumers’ faces as they entered and left the market areas.

The coordinator in charge of the activity and Extension Manager of the Guyana Livestock and Development Authority, Basudeo Dwarka said that 70 vendors registered for the market day. He said that day offered cheaper prices for fresh and processed products.

Region Two Chairperson Vilma De Silva visited the Market Day and expressed her satisfaction. She said she was very impressed at the turnout.

Farmers from various farmers’ groups brought their vegetables to sell. The vegetables were in great demand as people were purchasing for the Hindu Navratri season.