‘Close friend’ arrested over murder of businessman

The suspected mastermind in the murder of businessman Amit Singh yesterday led police to $7.7m in cash which was stashed in his Diamond home and three other suspects have been held.

A police statement yesterday said that Singh was lured by the four suspects to a house at Middle Road, La Penitence. They claimed that they were in possession of gold for sale.

Whilst at the house, the four persons brutally murdered Singh and wrapped his body in a sheet. The suspects then took the cash that the victim had taken to purchase the gold and locked the building with the body inside.

In a major breakthrough, investigating ranks arrested, Yogeendra Sukhdeo, a ‘close friend’ of Singh, who later confessed to the crime.

Sukhdeo earlier yesterday morning took the police to his home at Lot 1896 20th Avenue, Diamond Housing Scheme, East Bank Demerara, where his room was searched and the sum of $7,791,000 in $5,000 bills was discovered.

Later in the day, police also indicated that they managed to track down the three other suspects. However, the trio denied any involvement in the murder and claimed to be only employees of Sukhdeo. Additionally, they all gave an account as to where they were at the time of the murder. Investigators are currently working to confirm their alibis.

Stabroek News spoke to a resident of Middle Road, La Penitence, who wished to remain anonymous. That person stated that Sukhdeo would normally visit the house where the murder was committed since he was appointed as the caretaker by his uncle. The resident said they had no clue of what transpired since they heard no shouts nor gunshots, and were only made aware of the murder when the police arrived.

“So, I stayed home from work yesterday, not knowing he has a man over there and we don’t know what going on. We were busy doing some work and nobody didn’t hear anything because we were at the back. It’s the last night now, and I was told three van load of police come. I told the person who told me to let the police do what they have to do because I do work honestly and hard for my money. But I wanted to know what was going on, not knowing the people who kill someone and put them over there”, he said.

According to the resident, the suspect also enters the yard frequently with a fully tinted car each time.

The victim’s relatives are insisting that the act must have been perpetrated by Sukhdeo since he is the only person who enters the house.

“He is the only man that does go into that yard, so, he has to do that, there isn’t no other person that does go over there”, the resident added.

The resident also noted that it more sad to know “it’s your own friend.”

“This man and he is a friend because he does ride this boy’s motorbike but now it looks like greed. He sees this man’s things and get ‘red eyes’ and kills this man for his things. That is the only thing I could say because if me and you are friends brethren, I’m supposed to get your back and I’m glad my friend got a lot of money, better yet, I got his back as a brother. I’m not supposed to do that to my friend. That is wrong”, he said.

Singh’s family has not yet spoken on the murder.