I suggest a one-off cash transfer to every citizen living in Guyana

Dear Editor,

There is a general perception, in and out of Guyana, that the rich are getting richer and the poor getting poorer. A one-off cash transfer to citizens living in Guyana would be a timely intervention to alleviate the rising cost of living. One-off cash transfers will not resolve every problem. But it does not produce a dependency syndrome. I suggest every citizen living in Guyana be given a one-off cash transfer of $100,000 which will cost the treasury about $80billion (about US$400million) which can be financed from the oil money. Everyone will then benefit from the oil money as opposed to the elites who seems to be getting richer. One-off cash transfers are not a replacement for money earned from working. Working not only gives people money, it also provides people with skills necessary to progress.

Sean Ori