Six withdrawals from NRF but nothing for needy and vulnerable

Dear Editor,

The former mayor made a stirring plea on behalf of the elderly/pensioners (SN Nov 4) even as another withdrawal from the Natural Resource Fund (NRF), the sixth for the year so far, was made public.

The call for Old Age Pension to be increased to 100k monthly in the 2024 Budget will remain just a hollow call as the manifesto pride is 40k by 2025.  Imagjne that!

Serious consideration should be given to the suggestion (good governance is about listening to the people) of removing the approved age to receive old age pension from.65 to 60.  With retirees receiving NIS pension at age 60, receiving the old age pension at that age too will greatly assist in the daily cost of living struggle, fir these category of citizens.

 Likewise, the age old, ongoing debate of retirees at age 55, receiving their NIS pension at 60, still rages.  These are the issues NIS must address in twenty-first century Guyana to be relevant and appropriately purposeful rather than denying claimants their due because of the doctor’s handwriting or being one contribution short.

Six withdrawals for the year from the NRF, yet not one has trickled down to the populace, particularly the needy and vulnerable, in view of the daily struggle to make ends meet. 

The tone deaf response is telling.

Yours faithfully,

Shamshun Mohamed