Some 190 households in Hururu, Region Ten and its satellite villages yesterday received solar panels under the government’s Solar Home Systems project, a release from the Department of Public Information (DPI) said.
Each system features a 160-watt solar panel and a mobile charging facility, among other fittings.
Deputy Toshao of Hururu Village, Giddeon Hartman said “I must say how elated I am to receive this panel. It will indeed be beneficial to us as a community and as a people. At any point, the electricity can be taken away from us. We can’t predict that, so this is very beneficial because whenever we have a power outage, this will come in handy”.

Hartman expressed gratitude to the government and added that he is grateful for the household fans included in the package.
Another resident Jean Williams said the government’s support for the village and the country by extension has been unwavering, noting, “In the flood season, they were here with us, providing us with foodstuff. They gave us (farmers) grants, so that we could start back, and they gave us seedlings, all those things. I’m also very happy that today, all of us in Hururu are getting solar panels”, DPI reported.
Kitupin resident, Roxanne LaRose, lamented that she did not have electricity at her residence previously.
“I thank God for everything that this president, the ministers, the toshao, and everybody is bringing and helping us to develop our communities,” LaRose said, according to DPI.

Toshao of the village, Mark Gomes said since 2021, the village has received $66 million in additional funding to help the community develop.
“We have received so much from the government, and the effort of the government is to sustain our village. Every input that they make is to sustain us, and I know that this is what they are doing in every part of the country. Today, we are also seeing solar panels, which is a great initiative,” he told residents.
Meanwhile, Minister of Public Works, Juan Edghill said he is delighted to be once again delivering on a promise made by the government.

“In every village and every community, we are there working with people to improve their lives. Today is another clear testimony and example of a government that you have elected, keeping its social contract, because the manifesto is like a social contract,” the public works minister told residents, according to DPI.