Stabroek News

Some media platforms demonstrated gross insensitivity in their publication of Constable Abel’s tragic death

Dear Editor,

I am writing about the recent BV accident, which resulted in the tragic death of my cousin, Annette Abel. Graphic images of the accident were published on social media and the paper in what appeared to be a total disregard for Annette’s dignity. Annette would not have wanted to be immortalised in such a way. Did anyone spare a thought for her family, friends and colleagues? It is distressing enough to lose a loved one, it is infinitely more distressing to see the harrowing circumstances of their demise. In many countries around the world, including the UK, uncensored crime scenes are not routinely published. Isn’t it about time a news establishment in Guyana take a similar stance? Enough blood and gore. Report humanely and spare a thought for the person and their loved ones.

Melissa Small

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