A clear reaction to government’s rejection

Dear Editor,

It seems the jury is in on the fact-finding visit to the mining town last Friday amid claims of partisanship and biasness by the visitors, the manipulating of the visitors and meeting to suit a stated purpose and outcome and the ignoring of brochures countering the claims of some.

The visitors sealed their fate when they chose to have their integrity compromised by meeting with and locking themselves away with a selected few. This was compounded further by the limited time given for residents to make presentations and respond to claims. What other conclusions could be drawn but biasness and lack of transparency intended for a certain outcome?

The ignoring and leaving of the brochures is a clear reaction to the government’s refusal to meet with the team.  It sent a clear message: you don’t want to hear from us we are not obligated to hear from you. From all accounts the meeting was a charade.  Its outcome was already decided even before the team landed in the Town.


Shamshun Mohamed