President turns sod for $200m multi-purpose farm in Region Two

President Irfaan Ali yesterday turned the sod for a $200 million multi-stage and multi-purpose farm at the Guyana School of Agriculture (GSA) branch in Region Two.  In the first phase, a hydroponic farm will be constructed for the purpose of planting crops such as lettuce, bell pepper, kale, celery, pak-choi and tomatoes. The second phase will be geared towards animal husbandry for different breeds of animals. Both facilities will be constructed on one acre of land.

Speaking to a large gathering early yesterday morning, the President said the

 project is geared at pushing economic growth in the region. The project, according to Ali, will focus on empowering over two hundred youth, women and local entrepreneurs in the region. It is also intended to focus on high-value crops that are needed primarily within the hospitality sector thus adding revenue to the region. Ali said revenue is expected to start to flow in the second year and the projection is estimated at $65 million. The facility is designed to be self-reliant and will supply food sustainably throughout the region.

Ali said the project will open opportunities for youths to become involved in Agri-tech, business and high value production. Hydroponics is known as a soilless cultivation method and is described as the future of agriculture due to its efficiency and sustainability and crop yield. Currently over 15 herbs are being cultivated at a hydroponic farm operated by the National Agricultural and Extension Institute (NAREI) at Mon Repos, East Coast Demerara. The herbs include mustard, basil, thyme, and local and foreign varieties of pak-choi. The project falls under the Agriculture and Innovation Entrepreneurship Programme (AIEP).  The AIEP is expected to be rolled out also in Region Five.

The President also addressed the current imbroglio over Essequibo with Venezuela and said that despite the challenges Guyanese will stand united and will continue to invest in Essequibo. He said that Essequibo is rich in natural resources and in food production, and that the Government of Guyana will continue to invest in its development. He said that his government is building a stronger, more sustainable, better and resilient Essequibo.  Guyanese, Ali said, stand firm and united in face of the Essequibo controversy; Essequibo will take up the important challenge in becoming the food basket of the Caribbean.

Ali also called on all Essequibians not to live in fear, nor lose focus, and to continue to build their communities. He called on the business community, especially, to resist any fears and to continue to invest.  The President emphasized that Guyana enjoys global support on the matter of Essequibo.