We consider it sufficiently important to concede the omission of a significant sentiment expressed by some participants in the recently executed GUYEXPO event in the course of our pursuit of feedback on the event published in the November 24th issue of the Stabroek Business and headlined ‘Tryout’ exhibitors hopeful that GUYEXPO may be a ‘game changer’ and which addressed, among other things, the periodicity of the event.
In the course of the discussion, the participants, mostly small operators in the agriculture and agro processing sectors, expressed the view that the frequency of the staging of the GUYEXPO event should be significantly increased and, moreover, that it should be extended beyond the Sophia Pavilion and into the various Regions of the country. They felt that this approach, providing that it is properly planned, publicized and executed can provide a significant initiative for farmers and agro processors to ‘raise their game’ in anticipation of the significant ‘one-off’ markets that GUYEXPO can provide. The group appeared favourably disposed to the creation of a modest but energetic Permanent GUYEXPO Secretariat that would be charged with the planning and execution of the event.