Corentyne single mother loses home in fire

The destroyed house
The destroyed house

A Corentyne single mother of three is now contemplating her next move and is pleading for assistance after her house was completely destroyed by a fire on Tuesday morning. 

Jonell Batson, 43, a security guard and farmer, of Lot 8 Section B Bengal Farm, Corentyne, explained that on Tuesday morning she left home to take her twins, 8, to school while her teenage daughter ventured out to drop off produce from Batson’s farm to their customers.

However, Batson while on the road just around 8 am was alerted that there was a fire at her house. “I hear people hollering fire when I went on the road so I run in back with me children and I see bare fire.”

Jonell Batson

The distraught woman continued, “Me couldn’t save anything was bare fire, me computer, me daughter printer, she phone, my fridge, my gas stove, microwave, a lot of things, all my clothes, all my children them clothes, nothing, nothing me na get to save.”

According to the woman, when the Guyana Fire Service arrived the two-bedroom house had already collapsed from the fire.

Furthermore, she relayed, that her salary along with funds she drew from her box hand for the holiday was also destroyed in the fire. “Everything burn out, right now we na get no way really, no clothes to wear”, the emotional woman said.

The woman is estimating her loses to be over $5m

She is pleading with the general public for assistance in rebuilding a “small” structure which can be able to house her family. She can be contacted on telephone number 664-1303.