Two Victoria residents charged with murder

Emperor Emanuel Chung and Ruel Warde were yesterday charged with murder over a December 17 incident at Victoria, East Coast Demerara (ECD) that left two men dead.

Chung, a 25-year-old painter from Victoria Village was arrested on 2023-12-23 and charged yesterday with murder.  Warde, a 23-year-old labourer also of Victoria was arrested on 2023-12-18 and charged yesterday with murder, the police said in a release.

Both appeared at the Vigilance Magistrate’s Court before Magistrate Crystal Lambert where the charge was read to them. They were not required to plead and were both remanded.

Chung’s matter was put down to January 17 next year while Warde’s own is set for January 15th next year.

The murder charges are in relation to the deaths of two other Victoria residents who both succumbed to chop and stab wounds following a gold chain row at a party in Victoria on December 17. Those who died were William Montrose, 26, a miner of Side Line Dam Victoria and Eusi Bobb, 23, a mason also of Victoria. It is believed that Montrose and Bobb inflicted wounds on each other. Montrose was also apparently attacked by others.

Stabroek News spoke with Montrose’s mother Desire Holder, who said that after the incident the police showed up at her home looking for her son in connection with a robbery when in fact he was dead.

 “The police said that they were told it was a robbery,” Holder said. “Indeed it was and they had wanted to know where William was. But we told them that we didn’t know because he did not come home. Only to hear they kill him and he was in a drain on the Middle Walk trench.”

She said she believed that he was killed over his gold chain.

“William left home yesterday afternoon. He said that he was coming back, only to get news around two-something that he got stabbed up and chopped by someone. To be truthful, I don’t know, but I know he left with his gold chain and because of the chain, they robbed him and they kill him,” Holder said. “They said that he was at the party. He was buying drinks for the same boys that attacked him and killed him.”

The grieving mother described her son as a good person, adding that she was now left with a great loss.

“Quiet, wonderful, nice, loving child and don’t get into problems with people. If he got into a problem, people had to give him that trouble. It is a great loss. It isn’t easy but I’m trying,” she added.

Holder also stated that every dollar her son worked for, he looked to give her something out of it. Even if she was not around he would make sure he left something for her to take care of her expenses.