Stabroek News

Community-driven cop and pastor Timothy Roberts spreads love through his music

Timothy Roberts

Timothy Roberts is a police officer; he’s a member of the community relations department, where his primary responsibility is to foster strong connections between the community and law enforcement. His passion lies in building relationships within the community, a process he finds incredibly rewarding.

In addition to his commitment to this vital role, music holds a special place in his heart, allowing him to touch the lives of even more people. “I found that out of everything else…there is a passion for [music]. I have a burning passion for it. It is my tool for reaching people and transforming lives,” he shared. “All my song lyrics are centred around bringing about positive change. I don’t create music for its own sake.”

Roberts’s philosophy is deeply rooted in his church upbringing; both of his parents are pastors, and he himself was recently ordained as a pastor. Music has been a constant presence in his life since childhood and his Christian artist identity reflects his connection to faith and the transformative power of his art.

Timothy Roberts on stage

Becoming a police officer also provided him with a firsthand understanding of issues that can impede youth development. He has witnessed the detrimental impact bad influences can have on people.  “You see so many lives lost. The enemy comes to steal, kill and destroy,” he said. “I’m like no. I don’t want to go down that road. I want to bring joy. I want to bring peace. I want to put a smile on somebody’s face.”

He shared the belief that God did not place humans on earth to live a life of bondage but intended for them to be free of stress and live in love. He expressed dismay when discussing the fact that many young men pass away without realising their full potential. He hopes that through positive music, individuals on destructive paths can heed that message.

Music also brings him a great sense of euphoria. “Every time I go into the studio, or I am at church, or I am at some event where I have to do music, I feel happy about it,” he related. “I make music because I love it from my heart.”

Growing up in church has played a significant role in honing his musical talent and skills. Roberts is a producer, songwriter, music composer, and singer. Currently, he has six of his Christian music pieces available on various social media platforms. He has also started diversifying his music by participating in the 2023 Soca Monarch. While he did not secure a place, Roberts expressed gratitude for the opportunity because it allowed him to network and make connections.

In addition to the church playing a vital role in the development of his craft, he also credits it as a place where strong morals and values were instilled in him. He explained that many times people comment that his music and personal life often serve as inspiration to others.

While church was important, he did not discount the fact that having both parents instil great values into him was also a factor in how he chooses to live his life. He firmly believes that cultivating a spiritual life is essential because the world is inherently spiritual. Roberts explain-ed that maintaining such spirituality, or closeness to God, allows his music to emanate from a place of authenticity. According to him, this authenticity is what encourages people to listen and find motivation in his music.

Timothy in his element

While acknowledging the significance of God in his musical journey, Roberts also emphasised the importance of practical steps for continuous development. “To be a good and effective musician, the first step is discipline,” Roberts said. “Consistency is equally crucial. Thirdly, you have to be true to what you are doing… meaning that you have to believe in yourself.”

He mentioned that even when doubts creep in, he turns to God in prayer and doubtful thoughts quickly subside. Self-confidence, he stressed, is vital because when artists face criticism, they must possess the mental toughness to endure it and still believe in themselves to continue making music. He expressed that non-constructive criticism should not be taken personally because everyone has their own point of view, and it’s okay for people to express themselves even if it comes from a negative perspective.

Roberts further expressed that some musicians overlook the impact of good character on their development. He shared that he learned valuable lessons from other musicians who made detrimental decisions, harming their careers and relationships.

Good relationships, he explained, had a significant impact on his life. “Growing up, seeing Mommy and Daddy setting the example and watching them… It motivated me to follow that path because I saw how their life was at peace. I saw how they lived in so much joy and happiness,” he explained. His relationship with his siblings is also strong, and he credits his parents who taught them to always move as a family.

His two brothers currently play drums for him when he is singing and he describes this relationship as joyful whenever he performs with them. “To see them alongside me going through the music. It is a blessing,” he said. “And I would say this to anybody that has a family and is supporting you. Treat them right.” Roberts can be contacted on Instagram, Facebook and  TikTok.  

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