The stock price of Republic Bank Limited (RBL) fell 3.017 percent on the sale of 11,268 shares while that of Banks DIH (DIH) fell 2.778 percent on the sale of 12,800 shares. A further decline in the index came from Demerara Tobacco Company (DTC) which stock price declined 1.961 percent on the sale of 22,051 shares. It was joined by Demerara Distillers Limited (DDL) which shares declined 1.869 percent on the sale of 763 shares and Guyana Bank for Trade and Industry (BTI) whose shares fell 0.182 percent on the sale of 6,116 shares.
In the meanwhile, the stock prices of Caribbean Container Inc and Demerara Bank Limited (DBL) remained unchanged on the sale of 2,000 and 7,825 shares respectively.
The LSI closed the year at 1,419.089, down 12.506% from 2022