According to the Gregorian calendar we are in the year 2024. Every time the twelve-month cycle ends there are those who make resolutions, set intentions, and generally have new hope for what they will accomplish over the next twelve months. But often the old traumas that confine us still linger. Not actively seeking healing but simply believing that a new year will somehow transform one, is ill-conceived. Though the prison bars that some of us have built around ourselves may look shinier and we may feel that they somehow protect us, becoming our greatest selves is often still a promise for the future or we will never become if we do not seriously do the work to heal ourselves.
Our government is no different when it comes to rousing the nation with promises and what some may see as a pretense of sincerity at the start of each year. But for a nation of people so wounded and betrayed it is often difficult to believe all the words that are said when we see what is being done.