How the Cost of Living is affecting people

Lennox Simmon
Lennox Simmon

Stabroek News spoke to members of the public in Stanleytown, West Bank Demerara about the rising cost of living and how it is affecting them. The following are their comments:

By Subhana Shiwmangal

Lennox Simmon, a pensioner said: “When I was working, I could have bought certain items I need. Now that I have become old and I can’t work, I rely on my pension to take care of me but the monthly stipend I receive every month is not enough to support myself to buy food items I need for me. I live alone and I have found that the cost for all food items has increased in the markets. Right now, I have $1,500 in my pocket. I have to wait until I receive my monthly pension in order to buy food items again. For example, a couple months back I could have purchased a 1 litre bottle cooking oil for $400; now the same bottle of oil cost $800. The cost for all the items in the market has increased, even the cost to buy snacks for the children has increased in the markets. The cost for provision has increased in the market too, for example, a pound of plantains a couple months back cost $80; now a pound of plantains cost $260. Our country has all these natural resources on hand, so I think instead of giving every household financial support once in a while, the government should instead give the support to everyone in the household including the minors and the adults to help with the cost of living every month or every year.”

Odessa Headley

Odessa Headley said: “Right now clothes cheaper than food. The rising cost of living is affecting my family and I because when the cost for food items reduce,  in the markets, the prices remain high instead of it reducing. This high cost is affecting everyone because if someone is working for $60,000 a month and $30,000 before could have given you a month’s grocery, now you might have to spend the whole $60,000 and still you might not get enough grocery for the home with that money. I’m a single parent of four children. Right now, the cost for a bale of House Proud toilet paper has increased in the market. For example, a bale of the toilet paper a couple months back cost $2,600; now the bail of toilet paper cost $3,300. Well, I see the cost for a 5-gallon bottle of oil has reduced a little but the cost for the bottle of oil is still expensive, compared to how the cost of the oil was a couple months back. The cost for a bottle of oil a couple months back was $5,500, $6,300 and $13,000 the other day; now the same 5-gallon bottle of oil cost $8,500. Same thing with the celery, a pound of celery cost $500, $200, and $600 before then this year it went to $4,500 and $5,000; now a pound of celery cost $3,000. The cost is still high compared to how it sold before. Even the cost for eschalot has increased in the markets. The government should pay more attention to low-income family since they are the ones that are feeling the high cost of living.”

Dawn Skeete

Dawn Skeete, a 57-year-old part-time domestic worker said: “The cost for all food items has increased in the market, especially the cost for vegetables. When I purchase vegetable, it can’t do for my family. I’m a family of five, including my husband and three grandchildren. I am the only one working in the home. I work part- time as a domestic worker. My husband receives public assistance from the government. I try to cope with the cost of living, whatever money I have, I try to buy food items for my family since the cost for all food items has increased in the market. For example, a pound of cabbage cost $600 now, a couple months back, a pound of cabbage cost $400/$500. Even the cost for a small medium bag of Karibee rice has increased. The Karibee rice cost $1,800/$1,900 a couple months back; now the same bag of rice cost $2,200. There is no price control on food items in the markets. The government should place price control on all food items.”

Ulanda Maynard

Ulanda Maynard said: “The cost for items in Stanleytown is very high. If I have a certain amount of money, I can’t buy enough items I need for the home since the cost for the items has increased. I’m a family of four. My husband is the sole breadwinner for my family and the money he works for, is not enough to take care of us. For example, a pound of sugar a couple months ago cost $140; now a pound of sugar cost $200. Since holiday, the cost for garlic and black-eyed peas has increased more. A couple months back, a pint of black-eyed peas cost $260; now a pint of black-eyed peas cost $400. A pound of garlic that cost $300; now cost $400. The government should raise people’s salary more, both private and public sector to help with the rising cost of living.”

Saskia Alleyne

Saskia Alleyne, a 32-year-old single mother said: “Every other month or week I go to the shop, I have noticed the cost for food items has been increasing… I can’t understand the high cost for food items when our country has a lot of useful natural resources and we, single parents has to experience this high cost of living. I’m a self-employed single mother who takes care of my two children plus my two cousins. I hustle to sell food part-time to take care of the four children. I’m in the process of seeking benefits for the children since the cost for all food items has increased. For example, the cost for a small bag of Karibee rice a few months ago was $1400, then it went to $1500, then $1,600; now, recently I purchased the same bag of Karibee rice and it cost $2,400. Also, a 1 litre bottle of oil cost $400, $600 a couple months back; now the cost jumps up to $880. I think the government should consider reducing the cost for food items so single mothers can afford to feed their children.” 

Reinsford Paul

Reinsford Paul, a pensioner said: “We, the pensioners, reached old age, some of us never think about our health and that’s where the money goes now. In addition to that when I go to the shop, for instance, last month when I went to the shop, I have noticed the cost for food items was cheaper than the cost for the same food items sold at the same shop this month. How are pensioners going to get this money to buy these food items at such a high cost? Luckily for me, I have a kitchen garden and any excess vegetables, I sell to people. What happens to people who have children going to school? It is difficult to keep up with the rising cost of living. The private sector is the sector that has no control over how food items are sold. Even if the pensioners receive an increase on their monthly stipend, the private sector still increases their cost. For example, in November, a small bag of Karibee rice cost $1,900; now the same bag cost $2,200. In the month of November,  a 5-kg Thunderbolt flour cost $440; now the same flour cost $480. Even the cost for a 5-litre bottle of oil has increased in the market. It is difficult for the government to control the cost of living now but if they had implemented a price control method like how the people had many years ago, the government could have controlled the prices for food items. I think the government should have more owned supermarkets, so the cost for food items can be sold cheaper. Also, not only to give people a one-off cash grant but to give them the money with the intention of the people establishing a business, so they can provide for themselves and family, also to make sure the government monitor them to make sure they are on the right path.”

Kirth Washington

Kirth Washington said: “The cost of living will affect people who are not prepared for the situation and for me, I have been preparing for the cost of living since I’m a minibus driver, and both poultry and vegetable farmer.  The cost of living is not affecting me because I just purchase like rice, sugar and other main grocery items because I produce most of my food items. I think if people work more and do farming more, the cost of living would not be so hard on them. But, because we depend on the government, and people for work, we have to find ourselves in a hard situation. We are not looking to see how we can produce more or develop but we are looking on the government for employment instead. I admit the cost for food items has increased in the market, for example, a big cargo of rice that cost $6,800/$7,300 a couple months back; now cost $9,000 and something. Also, the cost for a medium bag of flour a couple months back was $11,200; now the cost for the same bag of flour cost $14,300. The government should reduce the duty on imported items, also, certain food items people should not be paying duty on them. “

Bridget Washington

Bridget Washington said: “The cost of living for some food items has increased in the markets and it is hard on me because not always I can afford to purchase food items for my family. For example, a pound of sugar that cost $120/$140 a couple months back; now cost $200. Also, an Instant and Fortified full cream milk powder that cost $495 a couple months; now cost $700. I use my NIS pension to provide for my family and my daughter works part-time. It has persons who just left the job and they have been paying NIS but was unable to receive NIS or the NIS stipend received is not enough to provide for their family. I think the government should raise NIS stipend more and ensure that persons that has left a job just like that receive their benefits also.”

Patricia Washington

Patricia Washington said: “I’m not working. I rely on my family to take care of me and also my mother’s pension. The cost for everything has increase in the market, even transportation cost has increase followed by food items. For example, a pound of sweet potatoes that cost $100/$200 a couple months back now cost $300 and something. Also, a small bag of Karibee rice that cost $1,500; now cost $2,000. The government should increase people’s pension and salary. Also, create more jobs for the people to help with the rising cost of living.”

Denesia Souvenir-Maitland

Denesia Souvenir-Maitland said: “I reside in the United States of America and I travel to Guyana recently where I have observed that all of the food items has increased in the market. I had purchase mostly porridge-based items from the supermarket and the cost for all of the items has increased. For example, a Milex Hi and Low milk cost like $700 and something before; now the milk cost $2,640. Even a 300 grammes of Sago that cost $100 and something a few months back; now cost $360 a pack. And the list goes on. I tried applying to get a piece of land because I’m planning to live in Guyana again. With all the resources available, I’m still unsuccessful. I think the government should increase people’s salary more to help with the cost of living.”