Man admits killing re-migrant from Venezuela in 2019

Mohammed Shameem Hassan
Mohammed Shameem Hassan

Former machine operator, Deonarine Seetaram of Cornelia Ida, West Coast Demerara (WCD), is now awaiting sentencing after admitting to the 2019 killing of re-migrant, Mohammed Shameem Hassan.

Hassan, 53,  also known as “Char,” had been fatally stabbed in his heart on the night of Saturday February 9th, 2019 at Anna Catherina, WCD during what was reported to have been a drinking spree at his home.

Following investigations by the police, Seetaram, called “Jericho,” formerly of Lot 125 Cornelia Ida, WCD, was arrested and charged with murder.

At the conclusion of a preliminary inquiry (PI) before the Magistrate’s Court, the accused was committed to stand trial for the capital offence before a judge and jury at the Supreme Court.

At his arraignment before Justice Priya Sewnarine-Beharry; following the opening of the January criminal assizes on Tuesday, Seetaram denied the charge of murder when it was read to him; but accepted guilt on the lesser count of manslaughter.

He pleaded guilty to unlawfully killing Hassan.

The judge has, however, deferred sentencing to February 5th, to first hear from a probation and other social impact reports.

According to the case for the prosecution led by Prosecutor Caressa Henry, which the defence does not deny, Seetaram was seen by eye-witness David Persaud, arming himself with a pair of scissors, with which he stabbed Hassan to the chest.

The man’s motionless body was picked up from the hammock in which he had been lying and he was rushed to the Leonora Cottage Hospital where he subsequently died.

Prosecutors say that Seetaram in a caution statement had admitted to stabbing Hassan with the pair of scissors.

His story had been that as he, Hassan and others were imbibing on the day in question, Hassan started making certain derogatory remarks about his (Seetaram’s) wife and daughter which incensed him.

It was at this point that Seetaram grabbed the nearby pair of scissors which he plunged into Hassan’s chest.

The accused is being represented by defence attorney Teriq Mohamed.

An autopsy later revealed that Hassan, formerly of Lot 6 ‘B’ Anna Catherina, WCD, died as a result of perforation of the heart due to a stab wound.

Relatives had said that in March of 2018, he returned to Guyana from Venezuela where he had lived for some 25 years with his son, daughter and son-in-law.