The authorities must bear responsibility for the delayed elections fraud cases

Dear Editor,

In recent days the cry has been ramped up about the delayed elections’ fraud cases, in view of another elections cycle approaching. This cry has been sounding for a long time by citizens. While the mantra about separation of powers will sound, it is perceived the authorities allowed this situation to take hold and must bear some responsibility for this embarrassing state of affairs. The Special Prosecutor had requested some time ago for a special court and magistrate(s) to be assigned, but nothing was done. This might be because the magistracy is depleted. The several recusing by magistrates aided the delays and must be seen in that light. It is not only a travesty but a tragedy that after so many years, these cases are yet to have its day in court.  The foot dragging is palpable and the nation will not forgive those seeking to trifle this mega crime. 


Shamshun Mohamed