Tuschen NDC dismantles stalls, sheds for perimeter violations

The two stalls whose sheds were dismantled by the NDC

By Subhana Shiwmangal

Six vendors of the Tuschen market located on the East Bank of Essequibo have had portions of their stalls including the sheds, dismantled by the Neighbourhood Democratic Council (NDC) for exceeding their established perimeters.

The NDC conducted the dismantling exercise at approximately 9 am on Thursday.

Most of the vendors at the market told  Stabroek News  that the NDC had informed them on Monday that their sheds along with portions of their stands were blocking the walkway and were a traffic hazard to the community and as such, had to be removed. The vendors are contending that the sheds did not have to be taken down as they were being used to protect their vegetables from the elements.