This Gecom process for deceased is flawed

Dear Editor

I am compelled to respond to Gecom’s response (SN Jan 16) to my letter of Jan 14, in which my deceased mother was summoned to a hearing in order to have her name removed from the National Register of Registrants (List of Electors)

Notwithstanding all that has been said in the response, I find the position flawed, since the removal of a deceased person from the NRR cannot and does not constitute an objection.  I have not objected to my late mother’s name being removed from the NRR. An objection would require some form of reason(s) and justification.  There was none.

This was a  simple  request for an administrative function to be carried out having provided the legal basis (death certificate) to so do.

My mother has died and her name must be removed from the NRR. Simple.

In fact I did not even have to take it upon myself to have this done since Gecom would have received a list of deceased persons from GRO and updated the NRR accordingly.

This procedure being deemed an objection and a hearing convened is,  in my view,  flawed and should be reviewed.  Does the list provided by GRO require a hearing?

In the meantime I await my mother to attend the hearing since we were both summoned.

This is my last say on this matter.

Yours faithfully,

Shamshun Mohamed