2020 Elections fraud trial set to begin on March 4

Keith Lowenfield

The long-awaited trial in the 2020 elections fraud case, for which nine persons are charged inclusive of then Chief Election Officer Keith Lowenfield and former APNU+AFC minister Volda Lawrence, is set to commence on March 4th.

The matter came up last Monday before Magistrate Leron Daly and apart from the defendants and their lawyers receiving several bulky files of evidential material the magistrate also informed that she will set aside one week a month starting from March and ending in May to move the trial along. The trial will continue daily during those weeks starting from 9 am and concluding at 3 pm with Fridays seeing sessions going for just half a day.

Those charged apart from Lowenfield and Lawrence, are; former Deputy Chief Election Officer, Roxanne Myers; former District Four Returning Officer, Clairmont Mingo; APNU+AFC activist, Carol Smith-Joseph; former GECOM Registration Clerks, Shefern February, Michelle Miller, and Denise Babb–Cummings along with Information Technology Officer, Enrique Livan. They are all  charged with conspiring to defraud voters of the March 2020 general and regional elections. The charges, which were initially read to the defendants in June of 2021, states that between March 2nd of 2020 and August 2nd, 2020, the nine defendants conspired with each other to defraud the electors of Guyana by declaring a false accounts of votes cast for the general election which was held on March 2nd, 2020.