Non-resident Paramakatoi teacher laments deplorable living quarters

The evidently swollen ceiling on the verge of collapse

By Abigail Headley

A teacher, who is based in Paramakatoi Region Eight (Potaro-Siparuni), is on the verge of calling it quits as her plea for better living arrangements is not being met by the relevant authorities. Krystal Fisher lamented her squalid living conditions on social media on January 19, showcasing the almost caving-in ceiling of the living quarters she has been assigned as a non-resident.

According to a letter Fisher penned to the Regional Education Officer of Region Eight, she has been residing in the living quarters since January 2022. To date, she has had to put up with such discomforts as faulty bathroom facilities, the absence of a bathroom face sink and laundry facilities, an inadequately furnished apartment, a leaking ceiling, termite infestation, and poor plumbing.