Police checking on teachers attendance at schools

A police officer waiting outside whilst his colleague was in the office of the head teacher at St Paul’s Primary School.

Police officers have been visiting schools on the East Coast and the East Bank of Demerara, to gather information pertaining to teachers’ attendance in the wake of the strike called by the GTU.

Yesterday, this newspaper spotted officers, dressed in full uniform complete with bulletproof vests and guns on their hips, entering the premises of St Paul’s Primary and Beterverwagting Secondary Schools.

As a reporter from this newspaper entered the head teacher’s office of one of these schools, an officer was overheard asking questions pertaining to teachers’ attendance and absence. This officer then followed his question by assuring the head teacher that “it’s nothing to be worried about, it’s just pertaining to the children well-being”. On the East Bank, this newspaper noticed a police vehicle patrolling the area and was later reliably informed that officers had visited Diamond Primary school with the same motive.