President declares energy conference open

President Irfaan Ali (left) with Trinidadian Prime Minister Keith Rowley (right) and Trinidadian Energy Minister Stuart Young
President Irfaan Ali (left) with Trinidadian Prime Minister Keith Rowley (right) and Trinidadian Energy Minister Stuart Young

President Irfaan Ali declared the Guyana Energy Conference and Supply Chain Expo 2024 open this morning at the Marriott Hotel. The conference is being held under the theme, ‘Fueling Transformation and Modernisation’.

During the ceremony, a release from the Office of the President said that the Head of State spoke extensively about the building out of Guyana’s marine economy and its enormous logistics and transport potential that will arise from the country’s gas-to-energy project when completed.

The President also noted that with the expected substantial reduction in the cost of electricity, his Government would move to further expand manufacturing with the building of an aluminium plant. This, the President added, will also support the deep-water port and other linkages that Guyana is creating with Brazil and Suriname.

Following the symbolic cutting of the ribbon to declare the conference and expo open, President Ali led the Prime Minister of the Republic of Trinidad and Tobago Dr Keith Rowley and other guests on a tour of the exhibition.

Prime Minister, Mark Phillips, former President of Colombia, Ivan Duque; Secretary General of CARICOM, Dr Carla Barnett; and other government officials and members of the diplomatic corps were also at the event.