Call for elections rigging to continue is an assault on democracy

Dear Editor,

Well it was confirmed; some, to gain the reins of government, are prepared to go the rigging route. The position by a former prime minister (whose time in office was through the very route being advocated) that elections should continue to be rigged, to keep a particular political party from gaining office (Demerarwaves Feb 18), is an assault on democracy and tantamount to a mutinous mind set against the state. 

It is dangerous, troubling and threatening, makes a mockery against the fight of rigged elections and must be thoroughly condemned, as it has no place in today’s Guyana. Rigged, elections belong to a past, bygone era.  It would appear some are still living in that era…. that dark place. Would those who stood and fought against rigged elections please stand and let your voices be heard, loudly again.

The position was emboldened without shame as the elections fraud cases are still to be tried. Coming, as 2025 looms, is this the position of the party of the former prime minister? If it is not, it must condignly condemn the statements of one of its own.


Shamshun Mohamed