Visit of US Ambassador to the United Nations to Guyana

Dear Editor,

I am writing to express my concerns about the perceived bias surrounding the upcoming visit of the US Ambassador to the United Nations to Guyana, especially considering Guyana’s current role as the chair of the UN Security Council. 

While diplomatic visits between nations are customary and often productive, it is essential to maintain impartiality, particularly when dealing with matters as sensitive as international security. The UN Security Council plays a crucial role in addressing global conflicts and maintaining peace, and it is imperative that all member states, including the United States, approach their interactions with objectivity and fairness. 

However, the timing and context of the US Ambassador’s visit to Guyana raise questions about potential bias or ulterior motives. As Guyana assumes the chairmanship of the Security Council, it is essential for all member states to respect its position and ensure that diplomatic engagements do not compromise the council’s integrity or perceived neutrality.

Perceived biases can undermine trust in the UN Security Council and hinder its ability to effectively address global challenges. Therefore, it is incumbent upon all parties involved, including the United States, to uphold the principles of fairness and impartiality in their interactions with member states.

I urge policymakers and diplomats to consider the broader implications of their actions and prioritize the collective interests of the international community over any perceived geopolitical agendas. By fostering a spirit of cooperation and mutual respect, we can strengthen the effectiveness and credibility of multilateral institutions like the United Nations. 


Keith Bernard