An error in estimate of DBIS peak power?

Dear Editor,

Refer to Guyana’s Low Carbon Development Strategy 2030 chapter 3 paragraph 4.

Quote “The Demerara Berbice Inter-connected System (DBIS) is the largest of the public grids and accounts for 78% of the total cost. The DBIS peak power was 135.7 Megawatts (MW) in 2021 and it is estimated that the peak load by 2025 will be 407 MW.”

Between 2021 and 2025, what major loads were connected and/or will be connected to the DBIS that require an additional  approximately 271 MW of power (200% of 2021 peak load)?  I am unsure whether 407 MW (forecasted peak load 2025) was a typographical error in the aforementioned document. “Ballpark estimate” of  DBIS baseload  may be 100 – 125 MW. 


Gary Sampson