ANUG parliament nominee disappointed at Kissoon’s refusal to resign

Timothy Jonas (left) and Althea King during yesterday’s ANUG press conference

The ANUG nominee to replace Dr Asha Kissoon in Parliament expressed disappointment yesterday at her failure to resign in accordance with a three-party pact governing the one seat that they control.

Althea King, who was elected on January 8th this year  to replace Kissoon as a Member of Parliament,  voiced her disappointment at the situation and the impact it has had on her aspirations as a young politician. King told a press conference that she had a close working relationship with Kissoon and expressed disappointment at her failure to relinquish the seat as was promised.

Kissoon, the Leader of The New Movement (TNM),  again declined to provide a response as to why she is not relinquishing her seat when contacted by Stabroek News.