NY’s Indo-Caribbean Federation chooses new executive

Dear Editor,

The Indo-Caribbean Federation held its bi-annual election last Sunday to choose its executives to run the affairs of the organization for the next two years. The election was held at its office on Liberty Avenue in Richmond Hill New York. The last election was held in 2022. Several of the incumbent officers were re-elected, giving continuity and experience to the body. Incumbent President Ralph Tamesh, formerly of Leguan, Wakenaam and Georgetown as well as a few other executive members were re-elected. This will be Tamesh’s seventh term as President. He has been with the Federation for over 35 years serving in various capacities.

The Federation was founded in 1984 by several community leaders formerly of Trinidad, Guyana, Jamaica, and Suriname. The founder included Bhanu Dwarika, Vishnu Bandhu, Baytoram Ramharack, Vishnu Bisram, Ravi Dev, Rudra Nath, Ramesh Kalicharran, Gora Singh, Isherdat Ramdehal, Mahadai Das, among others. The latter five are deceased. The ICF organizes the annual East Indian Arrival Day celebrations in America as well as hosting an annual cricket match.  Before the election, the President gave a report on the organization’s many activities over the last two years that included charitable work (at Port Mourant and Leguan Hospitals, Guyana Blind Institute in Georgetown) in Guyana, Trinidad and other islands.


Vishnu Bisram