Skin deep

It’s outside might not look like much, but a cut, ripe avocado is a thing of beauty. (Image by Racool_studio on Freepik)

Beauty is perhaps one of the most dangerously versatile words in the world. Beauty can mean something different every time it is used. A rose is beautiful, but not in the same way that a song is. A person can be beautiful, but not in the same way that a thunderstorm can be. Sadness can be beautiful, but not in the same way that a smile is. So when for the first time, a young person encounters society’s demands for them to be beautiful, how exactly do they respond?

Our appearance is a vital part of our identity. We often do not recognise how important our appearance is until we are pushed to face a sudden change in it. For instance, have you ever felt uncomfortable after trying an extremely different haircut or style of clothing? The change may have made us look better, but it may have also made us feel unfamiliar with our own appearance.