I was told that former Prime Ministers would not be allowed to use the VIP lounge at the airport

Dear Editor,

I feel severely tempted and figuratively speaking, to put on my armour plate to do battle against the forces of evil standing like gladiators waiting to destroy the independence many of us fought for decades ago. I feel tempted when I observe our Government yielding to the fancies of the modern day pillagers with the same imperial beliefs we fought against decades ago. In today’s Guyana, people are being persuaded to accept that the pennies we are getting from oil, gas, gold and other non-renewable natural resources are enough. The truth is, if we have leaders, willing and able, our people in every corner of Guyana could get much, much more. All that is needed is for our leaders to be pure of heart and be truly concerned with the welfare and betterment of citizens.

When I see our Attorney General secretly joining the major harvester of our oil in an appeal against a court decision designed to better every Guyanese it’s a worrisome adventure. I feel tempted to move to the frontline when corruption manifests in the award of contracts that glares at us in the face. Friday’s Stabroek News and Kaieteur News editorials spoke volumes and I recommend them as necessary reading for every concerned citizen. The Stabroek editorial, after exposing the many improprieties and illegalities suggested it’s a case for the Police. The editorial fails to recognise the sorry state that Guyana has reached. They really think that the present police force would lift a finger against the ‘big wigs,’ and favourites of this Government whose leader shamelessly talks about transparency.

Two weeks ago, I put out a wager that a statement by the Minister responsible for the construction of the Bamia School in Region 10 would not be realised. The Minister said the Bamia School would be ready by April 1, 2024. I chuckled. This was an All Fool’s Day statement. I checked with the folks in that area and the school is not completed but a new completion date to coincide with the reopening of school in September has now been given. We have spent many billions on the Cheddi Jagan (Timehri) Int’l Airport and a year ago, we were told the airport was completed. Lo and behold, there are three million dollars’ contracts being awarded so I suggest our airport be renamed the ‘Never Done Int’l Airport.’

Enough has been said about the Tepui Contract for the building of a pump station. These two revelations fit into the mold of contracts awarded to friends, family and favourites. In most viable democracies, these and other improprieties would have forced the government and or the executing agencies to resign but this is Guyana. We have, of all things, a minister of government delivering statements related to the stewardship of the government with respect to its activities relating to the United Nations Decade for People of African Descent at variance with facts – a shameless deception. The PPP has resorted to the old imperial technique of attempting to destroy institutions and persons who represent the African community.

In dealing with sugar, instead of recognising the historical significance of the production of sugar on our plantations, the Government seems content to use it as a political football while pouring billions into the industry. Thanks to poor management, this is an unsuccessful and unproductive business. While preparing this letter, I received a telephone call from a senior official of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs informing me that there is a ministerial edict that he is conveying to me at about 4:15 pm, (Friday, April 19, 2024) that former Prime Ministers will no longer be allowed to use the VIP Lounge at the airport. The only other Prime Minister alive is Moses Nagamootoo, to whom I spoke with and he said he is not surprised. I am also not surprised about the use of the VIP Lounge, since last week one of my sources informed me that they will be going after me until I stop speaking and writing.

I have a duty to the young and old to expose wrong-doings and uncouth behaviour and I lean on the words of the Jewish writer/Holocaust survivor, Elie Wiesel who said “I swore never to be silent whenever and wherever human beings endure suffering and humiliation. We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.” I wish to thank the Lords of mortal men for so informing me orally.  Three cheers for decency and democracy.


Hamilton Green
