-Region 10 Chair says as town week launched
As the mining town of Linden celebrates its 54th Anniversary, Region 10 Chairman Deron Adams urged residents to celebrate the community’s week of activities with pride and nostalgia.
Linden Town Week, which started on Friday will culminate on May 6 under the theme `One People, One Nation, One Destiny – Linden the Heart of Guyana’. It marks the anniversary of a decision made a few generations ago, where men and women worked tirelessly to transform a company town into a real town, Adams reminded those gathered over the weekend at the Linden –Georgetown Bus Park.
Adams remarked “Many would ask the question time and time again, either openly or in the mind… What does it mean to be a Lindener? And even as I gave voice to that thought, I smiled because being a Lindener means a lot of things to a lot of people, but there are truly universal qualities that would point out to you as a true Lindener.

“Lindeners are resilient and tough, willing to confront challenges and speak truth to power whenever the occasion calls for it. Lindeners are uniquely proud of their town, and identify themselves loudly and proudly as sons and daughters of this town of ours wherever they may find themselves. Lindeners are hospitable, kind and welcoming to those who truly mean good, but equally forceful in rejecting things that are unjust or any form of bullying that may be directed at them. I could go on and on, but I am confident that those are qualities that Lindeners identify with and claim wholeheartedly. This is what makes us such a proud and strong community, and I congratulate all of our residents for being true examples of patriotism, not only to our country but more to this town of ours”.
On this note, Adams shared the view that Lindeners must always uphold their pride and dignity and maintain unity when others seek to cause division.
“We must continue to resist any attempt to tear away our institutions which our parents worked so hard to secure for us, such as the Linden Utilities Cooperative Society Limited, an organization in which true Lindeners have shares but are not allowed to determine its operations currently”, Adams charged.
He said that the community of Linden continues to lobby for consultations to be held concerning national development, and there must be an insistence on respecting the views and voices of the people when it comes to decisions such as constructing facilities like the Mackenzie Sports Club (MSC).
Adams said the residents must be engaged when it comes to creating infrastructure and providing development input, rather than persons imposing themselves or decisions, which can cause chaos and pose a delay in national development.
“Impositions like this is what Lindeners turned their backs on 54 years ago to create an elected Council of their peers to make and execute decisions that bear relevance to their needs and take account of their direct input and desires”.
“On behalf of the Regional Democratic Council – Region 10 I take this opportunity to salute our municipality, the Linden Mayor and Town Council and every serving member of the municipality and the staff, as well as all of those who served in years past, on the occasion of this observance of providing astute and committed leadership for our town, and to all residents for remaining resilient, innovative and outstanding in every way over these years”, Adams stated.
“We must also acknowledge that every good thing is usually robustly contested for. If Linden was not such a unique and important part of the fabric of Guyana, we may not have been faced with the numerous challenges we are now faced with. This town and Region is truly the heart of Guyana. It boasts direct connectivity at its borders with more Regions across Guyana than any other town and Region in our country. All three of the major rivers in Guyana flow through our Region, and the Demerara bisects our town, offering another conduit for trade, recreation and resource development to our home. This is what makes Linden such a gem, the true heart of Guyana. This is also what makes it so important that we continue to preserve the identity of what it means to be a Lindener”, he declared.
Adams expressed gratitude to the Guyana Police Force for its proactive stance in terms of securing residents and businesses during the Linden Town Week activities.
“We also encourage everyone to be vigilant and to partner with the security forces to share information if unsavoury acts or persons are observed, in the interest of guaranteeing our collective safety”, he said.
There are over 50 activities scheduled to take place at this year’s Linden Town Week.