Chicken “n” Burger Delight opens up at Anna Regina

The Puran family cutting the ribbon to open the new outlet
The Puran family cutting the ribbon to open the new outlet

Chicken ‘n’ Burger Delight yesterday opened a third outlet, this time at Lot 14 Richmond Public Road, Anna Regina, Essequibo Coast on the ground floor of Elevate Bar. 

The spanking new outlet in Region Two marks the company’s third such establishment.  It has outlets in Vreed-en-Hoop and Leonora on the West Demerara. The Anna Regina branch currently boasts a staff of 35, working under the watchful eyes of manager Nyasha Naraine. The new location offers the options of dining in and delivery. 

Managing Director, Chetan Puran, who spoke at the ribbon-cutting event, said that from modest beginnings, and with a passion for the brand, the company was able to expand to its third branch in the Pomeroon-Supenaam region.

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“We are committed in adding value in Region Two and we are committed in purchasing all raw materials within the region, I want to extend a great  thank you for everyone who made this possible,” Puran added. 

The Director said that the $95 million investment reflects the transformation that is ongoing in the region, and will be able to meet market demand while providing employment opportunities for persons living in the region. The community of Richmond, in the township of Anna Regina, he noted, was chosen because it is not saturated with other fast food outlets.

Puran’s father, Lakenauth Puran, said that he was very proud of his son’s achievement. He added that the Purans are known as the owners of a garbage disposal company and he is proud that the family has successfully diversified with the third branch of Chicken ‘N’ Burger. 

Former Mayor of Anna Regina, Rajendra Prabhulall, said that the investment was done at an opportune time when Region Two is experiencing massive transformation. He posited that the investment will change the landscape in the township and congratulated the Puran family for investing in the region.