Gov’t to lead by example with electric vehicle fleet – PM

Prime Minister Mark Phillips (left) at the EV event yesterday. (Office of the Prime Minister photo)
Prime Minister Mark Phillips (left) at the EV event yesterday. (Office of the Prime Minister photo)

Prime Minister Mark Phillips promoted the widespread adoption of electric vehicles during yesterday’s “EV Show and Tell” exhibition at the University of Guyana Berbice Campus and he said the government will soon be leading the way.

The Road Show, hosted by the Guyana Energy Agency, showcased the latest electric vehicle models and solar technology available in Guyana, a release from the Office of the Prime Minister said.

In his remarks, Phillips stressed the necessity of embracing renewable alternatives, highlighting the environmental benefits.

“The world is transitioning from non-renewable to renewable energy. Greater usage of renewable energy will lead to greater resilience against climate change and reduce the carbon footprint on the entire world and help us to be greater in terms of the resilience against the effects of climate change”, he urged

The Prime Minister said that the government plans to lead by example, soon acquiring an electric vehicle fleet. He stated that six EV charging stations, including one in Berbice, have already been set up, with plans for more.

He noted the free charging incentive, zero duty and taxes on EVs, and annual write-down allowance for businesses.

Prime Minister Phillips also emphasised the need for continued support and investment in renewable energy.

“28,000 household solar systems have changed the lives of 120,000 people throughout our hinterland and riverine areas,” he added, “It is our intention to distribute an additional 10,000 household systems”, he said.