Swim mom, hotelier, advocate, wife: Dee George shares on juggling many hats

Dee George

By Miranda La Rose

Juggling motherhood and running a boutique hotel with her husband while trying to maintain its heritage steeped in the sugar industry were no mean feats for hotelier Dee George but she made them look easy.

“I’ve agreed to share my story not only as a working mother but to give hope to mothers that they too can simultaneously enjoy their children’s school life, their children’s extracurricular activities and be active participants in them while still earning an income and making a contribution to society,” George told Stabroek Weekend.

George is the president of the Tourism and Hospitality Association of Guyana, a board member of the Protected Areas Commission, a trustee of Uncle Eddie’s Home for senior citizens and a co-founder and director of Sispro Inc, an all-Guyanese, women-led company focused on exploring the energy sector.