Reform the vehicle tax system

Dear Editor,

Guyana boasts a rapidly growing economy, yet for many Guyanese, the dream of car ownership remains out of reach. The reason? The staggering cost of vehicles, particularly used cars. While our neighbours enjoy the benefits of more affordable new cars, Guyanese are often forced to pay two to three times the price for a second-hand vehicle. This situation demands immediate government intervention.

The current tax structure on vehicle imports disproportionately burdens Guyanese citizens, particularly the working class. These high taxes inflate the price of used cars, making even basic transportation a luxury. This hinders not only personal mobility but also economic

participation. Owning a reliable vehicle can create new opportunities for employment, business ventures, and accessing essential services outside of immediate areas.

We, the people of Guyana, petition the government to re-evaluate its tax laws governing the import of new and used vehicles. A balanced approach is needed, one that generates revenue for the nation while making car ownership a realistic possibility for a greater segment of the population.

Here are some potential solutions to consider:

●             Tiered Tax System: Implement a tiered tax system based on vehicle age, engine size, or fuel efficiency. This would ensure fairness and encourage the import of newer, more environmentally friendly vehicles.

●             Reduced Taxes on Used Cars: Introduce a reasonable tax structure for used cars, making them more accessible for the majority of Guyanese.

●             Incentivize New Car Purchases: Explore tax breaks or other incentives for new car purchases, particularly for fuel-efficient.

The government exists to serve the people. By reforming the vehicle tax system, Guyana can empower its citizens, stimulate economic activity, and ensure that the dream of car ownership becomes a reality for a wider segment of the population. Let us move forward together to create a transportation landscape that benefits all Guyanese.

We urge the government to listen to the concerns of its people and act swiftly. It’s time to make car ownership a dream realized, not a dream deferred.


(Name and Address Withheld)