CIF 2024 in Georgetown aims to create more openings for regional businesses, global investors

Executive Director of Caribbean Export, Deodat Maharaj

Less Talk. More Business – that’s what global investors, and regional business leaders, and innovators hope to extract from the Caribbean Investment Forum (CIF) 2024 when it is held from July 10 – 12, 2024 here in Guyana. Now in its third year, CIF is an annual forum created by the Barbados-based Caribbean Export Development Agency (Carib Export) that draws global investors to the region, and presents them with bankable investment opportunities from across the region. The overarching objective of CIF 2024 as stated at the launch event is to help ‘accumulate’ meaningful investment openings for regional businesses in areas that include Technology & Innovation, Sustainable Agriculture, and the transition to a Green Economy.

Executive Director of Caribbean Export, Deodat Maharaj, who addressed the launch, referred to considerations that underscored the strategic significance of the Caribbean as a geographic space that offers incentives to would-be investors. Head of the European Union’s Delegation to Guyana, Suriname and Caribbean, Joan Nadal Sastre, said the EU fully supports the forum and its mission. He noted that the EU’s 2022 Global Gateway Strategy was helping to bridge the Caribbean’s investment gap by using EU public financing to “leverage private capital and investment for projects that deliver on key public policy objectives” adding that “the European Union wants to do more business with the Caribbean. We want more EU companies to see the Caribbean as an investment opportunity. We want to be a key business partner for you and we have a lot to put on the table.”